Smith extends John Wallace Spencer's Limbo of the Lost (calling it the Triangle of the Lost) to capture shoreline territories, allowing him to include the aforementioned vicious hairy dwarfs and Ivan T. Sanderson's infamous giant penguin, here identified as a dinosaur. Globsters and a spooky bigfoot are given brief mention as well. Triangle buster Lawrence David Kusch likely had Smith in mind (among others) when he tracked down the radio transcript for Flight 19's flight to oblivion, which Smith claims is nonexistent in this text.
Once again, Smith isn't above recycling. This time it's his chapter on Shamballah and Theosophy, lifted from his collaboration with Brad Steiger on This Hollow Earth, which would turn up again next year in The Hidden Secrets of the Hollow Earth. There's also a chapter made up of one of the shabbiest of the paranormal subgenres, psychic predictions about a given subject.
Table of contents:
1. The Mysterious Triangle of the Lost (5)
2. Christopher Columbus in the Triangle of the Lost (17)
3. Sea Serpents and Maritime Monsters (31)
4. Mystery of Underwater UFOs (44)
5. An Undersea City for the New Race (61)
6. Bizarre Giants in the Triangle (74)
7. Shamballah: Land of the Smoky Gods (88)
8. Monsters, UFOs and Bizarre Beings (110)
9 . Flights to Doom (123)
10. The Evidence for Alien Intelligence (138)
11. Mysteries of Ancient Mariners (157)
12. Psychics Predict Triangle Mysteries (170)
13. Mysteries of the Devil's Island (182)
14. Ghost Ships in Satan's Sea (193)
15. What's Happening Out There? (205)
16. Mysteries of the Devil's Sea (216)
Triangle of the Lost is available to read and download at archive dot org.
Zebra Books, 1975
Finally!! It is explained and the world now makes sense.