Sunday, June 30, 2024

HURRICANE by Gardner F. Fox

After the frozen flop of Steve Cohen's Avalanche, it's time to gird our loins for some sure-fire disaster madness in the hands of master genre writer Gardner F. Fox, as he takes us into the eye of the storm in HURRICANE!

If you didn't get the message from the "heedless hedonism" on the back cover, already on page 17 a youthful penis is swelling! Yowzas! It's that kind of disaster story, with loads of bed hopping and adultery and sexy mamas bedding young studs ... and God bless Gardner F. Fox for his economy of storytelling. Where it took Steve Cohen almost 400 pages to push out too many undercooked threads, Fox manages three or four nice, concise narratives in just under 200 pages, and delivers some beautiful descriptions of the pitiless storm as it arcs towards Dunes Point, playground of the horny HENRY class.

Holy canoli!

There's neglected housewife Cornelia, finding succor in her son Roger's buddy Don. Meanwhile, her husband Trevor is entranced by "gypsy soul" Brenda, who's hoping to pin her new pregnancy on the wealthy lawyer! Scummy businessman Bob whores out his wife Leona to clients, but prospect Evan wants to make a lady out of her. Fox weaves some delicious webs of sin and deceit, and then Hurricane Hedda smashes them all to pieces! Fox's description of the hurricane is quietly confident, as a scientifically acccurate storm surge threatens our characters. It's a nice balancing act between techno thriller overkill and the too-loose, glib afterthought of Cohen's avalanche.

Leisure's back pages ads include two of Fox's Kyrik sword and sorcery entries, along with plenty of options across fiction and nonfiction genres.

Leisure Books gifts us a few typos in this story, such as horny housewife Cornelia "buiding" young Don's penis inside of her. Stay classy, Leisure Books!

Hurricane is available as an epub at the official Gardner F. Fox library. This racy disaster drama blows down the house and rates an easy 4/4! Thank God for Gardner F. Fox!

Leisure Books, 1976

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