Saturday, August 15, 2020

COSMIC DEBRIS: Secret Nazi Polar Expeditions

Another flashy ad from hate monger Ernst Zundel, promising an expedition through the South Polar entrance to the Hollow Earth in search of secret Nazi UFO bases. Of course, the grandiose proposal was really a fund raising scheme for Zundel's continued Holocaust denial:
This is the most daring scientific operation ever launched by any UFO organization and publisher. The estimated cost for the Antarctic Expedition is well in excess of $2,000,000.00--from which at least $500,000.00 is required for allocation toward the charter deposit fee and modifications on the special aircraft. A fantastic sum? Certainly, and it is just as certain to be worth every dollar in terms of the knowledge to be gained.
SAMISDAT's Antarctic Expedition in Search of Hitler's Flying Saucer Bases and the South Polar Opening into Inner Earth will be the unique event of a lifetime. As only a very limited number of people can be accommodated, our selection standards are of necessity rigorous. The approximate cost per person on this expedition may be as high as $9,999.00. However, the cost could be reduced considerably, provided we are able to raise money from our SAMISDAT SERIES of lectures, tapes, conventions, UFO models and book sales in this interim period. You can help to realize this dream of a lifetime in several ways: (1) You can become one of our book distrlbutors by buying SAMISDAT books and other items at wholesale dealers' prices and then retailing them to friends, colleagues, UFO conventioneers, and visitors to county fairs, psychic fairs and flea markets. By purchasing SAMISDAT titles in bulk, you could easily realize almost a 100% profit on each item sold. This money you could then apply toward your share in the Expeditlon or use as you see fit. (2) You can organize a UFO club and hold your own UFO conventions on a profit-sharing basis with SAMISDAT. (3) You can help us find sponsors for the Expedition. (4) If you are rich and conscientious, you can underwrite the whole or part of the Expedition and realize our goal of a lifetime much, much faster.  But empty promises and other hot-air products from windbags and do-nothings, however well off, will not serve to waft the Expedition to Antarctica and back. The only thing capable of doing that is cold, hard cash up front. If you've got what it takes and want to put your money to work right away, then please contact us! (5) You can set up your own fund-raising campaign for the Expedition. For details and assistance in regard to these and other ideas, do not hesitate to contact us.
From Fate, Volume 32 - Number 1, January 1979.

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