Friday, January 14, 2022

AN OCCULT DICTIONARY compiled by Howard V. Chambers

An occult dictionary for the millions! Chambers warns us in the forward that this is NOT to be a definitive volume, and thank goodness he does. If you don't already know your Zabulon from your Zaebos you'd be in a peck of trouble if you had to reach for this book in the middle of a ritual! To wit: the entry for Zabulon  leaves out the demon's Biblical namesake. The focus on "parapsychology" on the cover is also odd, considering the entries obviously cover all manner of occult fields.

Occult dictionaries and encyclopedias hit it big in the midcentury. No longer dusty grimoires or specialty texts, you could find plentiful ads for these books in Fate magazine and within other paperbacks, often as enticement for book club memberships:

From a 1969 paperback

From Fate, 1973

From Fate, 1973

From now on any such text will be tagged under Guide, and no need to summon Verdelet.

An Occult Dictionary is available to read and download at archive dot org.

Award Books, 1966

1 comment:

  1. Every expert agrees definitively, this factual endorsement of absolutely scientifically proven truth will blow your mind.
