Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Cities fall, the oceans roil, and Atlantis rises in 1969! So sayeth the Sleeping Prophet, Edgar Cayce! Some case studies of Cayce's readings on Atlantean reincarnations are also included, as is Cayce's pseudo-Theosophical history of Atlantis, from 50,000 BC to the present, when as predicted the sunken continent will resurface, sparking a spiritual reawakening as humanity rediscovers their heritage as spirit energy entities inhabiting physical bodies.

A very slim volume that often reads as an advertisement for the Cayce-founded Association of Research and Enlightenment. As noted, Cayce's visions of Atlantis read like reheated Theosophy, but Hugh Lynn Cayce assures us in his preface that his father "did not read Plato's material on Atlantis, or books on Atlantis, and that he, so far as we know, had absolutely no knowledge of the subject." Well, that settles that! In a similar vein, second son Edgar Evans takes Atlantean haters L. Sprague de Camp and Willy Ley to task for "attacking Plato's credibility" in what appears to be a deliberate misrepresentation of their argument for Plato's use of allegory. All in all, weak stuff from the Cayce progeny.

Edgar Cayce on Atlantis is available to read and download on archive dot org.

Paperback Library, 1968

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