The first entry in Warren Smith's comprehensive series of cheapjack Zebra specials tackles the then-red hot issue of the pyramids from every possible angle and then some, from their supposed impossible construction, the history of "pyramid power" and numerology as well as Arab mythology around them, their connection to the American Cahokia megalopolis and other worldwide ruins, Atlantis and UFOs, and finally the new market for household pyramid kits (from California of course).
Smith recycles his chapter on Theosophy from his collaboration with Brad Steiger on This Hollow Earth, which would turn up in almost every one of his Zebra specials henceforth. His chapter on two-fisted psychic adventurer Robert Charles "Doc" Anderson is also lifted wholesale:
Anderson and his buddy are traipsing through the Chinese hinterlands during WWII when they stumble across rumors of ancient pyramids and hidden tunnels to the Hollow Earth. Later they meet the Dalai Lama, and Anderson gives some visions on the Pyramids at Giza. Big time '70s psychic celebrity Tenny Hale also gives some readings, and an interview with Ufologist Morris K. Jessup is reproduced concerning possible UFO/pyramid connections.
This vast and dizzying grand tour moves at a breakneck clip and is couched in language that Smith merely reports - you the reader decides how much to believe. There would be much, much more to come from Smith and Zebra Books over the next few years, the majority of it recycled but all of it just as dense and breathless as this premiere volume.
Table of contents:
1. Fantastic Mystery of the Pyramids (5)
2. Mystery Pyramids Around the World (16)
3. Wonders of the Ancient World (29)
4. The Great Mystery at Giza (45)
5. Cosmic Formulas or Coincidence? (58)
6. The Early Explorers (69)
7. Prophets or Pyramidiots? (83)
8. The Enigma of Atlantean Pyramids (93)
9. Doc Anderson: Pyramids and Secret Tunnels (101)
10. OOPs, Erratics, and Other Miscellania (119)
11. Did the Giants Build the Pyramids? (132)
12. Lost Secrets of the Ancients (147)
13. Pyramids, Contactees & UFOs (163)
14. A Twentieth Century Enigma - Indeterminacy (174)
15. The Ancient Egyptian Way of Death (180)
16. Psychics and the Pyramids (197)
17. The Promise of Pyramid Power (207)
18. Pyramids: The Great Mystery of Ancient Monuments (216)
The Secret Forces of the Pyramids is available to read and download at archive dot org.
Zebra Books, 1975
100th entry... huzzah!!!