Sunday, September 20, 2020


Or: Warren Smith and the Deconstruction of Atlantis. Yet another eye catching decoupage piece by Smith, slotting in the relevant chapters and passages from the author's copious backlog. At this point in the Zebra Books/Warren Smith saga, half the appeal is seeing how Smith cobbles together a "new" text with minimal effort and maximum efficiency. A large amount of material comes from Smith's pseudonymously penned 1972 volume This Hollow Earth, including the entirety of Chapter 10, "Hitler's Dream of Atlantis Rising," which is a near word for word copy and paste job that simply replaces the words "Hollow Earth" with "Atlantis!" Further Hollow Earth material around Vril Power and the Shaver Mystery is threaded into other chapters.

Smith's recycling of the same material across multiple books reveals the debt that the supposed space age paranormal genre owes to the musty old Spiritualists and Helena Blavatsky's Theosophical Society. Here's the obligatory recycled chapter on Blavatsky, as well as some new filler made up of psychic predictions of destructive "Earth changes" and Atlantis rising, featuring readings from Edgar Cayce and a passel of '70s psychic celebrities. There's Chapter 11, a large block quote from Aleister Crowley on Atlantis that goes on for pages. Smith quotes his friend Brad Steiger from Atlantis Rising justifying these psychic reaches but it's hardly needed. Psychic and Contactee Ted Owens can call himself the "PK Man" to give it a scientific sounding gloss, but he's right at home alongside Smith's many apocryphal anecdotes including the 1882 SS Jesmond, an invented ship that supposedly landed on an Atlantean atoll finding mysterious ruins and artifacts. Nothing new under the sun, or under the seas.

Table of contents:

1.  Earth Changes: Is America the Atlantis of the Future? (5)
2.  Memories of an Atlantean Sea Kingdom (20)
3.  Is Genesis a History of Atlantis? (35)
4.  The Marvels of Atlantean Invention (48)
5.  Atlantis - Mystery of the Antediluvian World (60)
6.  Atlantean Lore From Ancient Records (72)
7.  Atlantis and the Secret Doctrine (84)
8.  The Myth and Mystery of Atlantean Tunnels (94)
9.  Was Atlantis Located on Another Planet? (107)
10. Hitler's Dream of Atlantis Rising (117)
11. Mysterious Cities in Old South America (126)
12. Aleister Crowley's Visions of Atlantis (138)
13. Quest for a Mighty Sea Kingdom (157)
14. Psychic Visions of a Lost World (165)
15. When Will We Find Atlantis? (177)

The Myth and Mystery of Atlantis is available to read and download at archive dot org.

Zebra Books, 1975

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